Broome (08) 9192 2293 - Derby (08) 9196 1182

homelesness support

My Place, My Home

Centacare Kimberley offers support to people who are homeless, or are highly at risk of becoming homeless in Broome and Derby. Homelessness is where you don’t have a stable or secure place to live, so includes people who are living in overcrowded family homes. All people over the age of 25 are eligible for support. The focus of our three Homelessness services is to support individuals, couples and families to achieve the goal of obtaining and then maintaining long term stable housing in the Public Housing system, or, the private rental market.

Our Derby service can work with any person who is Homeless, but does have a focus on supporting women and children who are escaping Domestic Violence to secure long term housing. One of our Broome Homelessness services, only works with people living with a diagnosed Mental Illness exiting the Acute Unit in Broome, or people who are cased managed by Kimberley Mental Health. Our other Broome Homelessness Service works with individuals’ couples and families who are homeless and is committed to supporting people who are sleeping rough.

All of our Homelessness Services offer a holistic response that can support people to overcome multiple life challenges, and are able to provide support in the areas of;

  • Applying for housing;
  • Access to short and medium term accommodation options
  • Referrals to specialist and mainstream services
  • Advocacy and support
  • Access to education, training and employment
  • Life & independent living skills development
  • Access to Financial advice and Material aid
  • Mentoring and positive role modelling
  • Tenancy information, advice and support

Service Funded by Western Australia’s Department of Communities

Our Service Locations – Broome and Derby

Who we work with