social support for people living in the Kimberley.
Centacare Kimberley is a Not-For-Profit Organisation that provides a range of social support services across the Kimberley region of Western Australia. As an Organisation we have grown out of the pastoral work that the Roman Catholic Church has carried out in the Kimberley for well over 100 years.
We are committed to empowering people and working in ways that values and acknowledges people’s cultural heritage, knowledge and history. Our team of local staff represent language groups from across the Kimberley region, and are committed to providing the highest quality support to enable people to create their own life choices.

Homelessness & tenancy support
Are you or your family homeless? Are you sleeping rough or on someone’s couch?

REintergration SUPPORT
Leaving prison can be hard as lots of things may have changed.

Working with families to stay strong and together.

Have you ever dreamt of buying your own home, but feel you are not quite ready yet? Have you wanted to move out of public housing and get your own private rental?

We have partnered with Mercycare to provide safe, supportive and affordable short term accommodation.

Living on a Centrelink income can be tough. Losing your job, getting really ill, going through a family breakdown, can lead to financial hardship.