Community Foster Care

Where Do I Belong?

Children are our future! They need loving and nurturing home environments that support them to explore, who they are, and allows them to dream about who they may want to be. Unfortunately, some children are not able to live with their mum and dad, and because of things that have happened, are placed in state care. Ideally, these children need to be living with other members of their family, in a loving and supportive relationship where they can maintain connections to family, culture, country and community.

We now know that kids in care do need to be able to grow up feeling that they belong, feeling, that they are a part of something. Are you able to help a child live this type of life? Are you able to offer a loving and supportive relationship that can help a child fulfill their hopes and aspirations?

If you think so, why don’t you reach out by providing us your phone number here, so we can have a yarn about how you could become an Aboriginal Family Carer, or a General Foster Carer, and share your life with a child, who just wants to feel that they belong.

Service funded by Western Australia’s Department of Communities

Our Service Locations – West Kimberley (Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Valley, Dampier Peninsula, and Bidyadanga).

Who we work with